About Me

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Love being mother of four, grandmother of nine, wife of one!! Aunt Sister Daughter Friend Cousin all the good things.... I love living in Queensland as have done for the past 20 years. I love being at home rearranging the furniture and doona covers, out side working in the garden , taking photos of my family or the beautiful things you can find that nature has provided for us. I guess you could say I'm one of the lucky ones.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Finishing off the beach blog

now where was I when the blog decided to do it's own thing and underwrite all my text. Of course it wasn't my fault........
This was a very beautiful headland at Brooms Head, walked out to the edge to be greeted with a brown snake. Back tracked very smartly.

We called into Grafton on the way through and caught up with some lovely friends. A couple of great nights by the fire side and Jo and I decided to coat some bananas with marshmallow fluff....well that turned into a hilarious event with lots of fluffy fingers, laughs and smokey smelling hair. Wouldn't have missed it for the world. What a great couple of days.

We are at Coffs Harbour at the moment and been here for a few days. AB grew up here so it's nice for him to reminisce a bit. We have a wonderful camp here and can see the sunrise and the sunset. The weather has been fantastic so we have been at the beach a fair bit and just chillin' around. Don't know why we didn't do this years ago...oh yes I do...we had to work to save up for this.

We went to a huge fishing shop today to get some new rods and reels. WOW there is so much stuff for fishing. Of course I wanted the pink rod with the free pink hat , but NO, so had to settle for a pullapart one that would fit in the vehicle easier. Funny story...walked out of the shop and stabbed myself in the leg with the very new...very sharp filleting knife. talk about bleed, and we haven't even thrown a line in yet so better stand away from me when I do. 
I had a lovely afternoon at the shops while AB visited a friend. I shopped, had a coffee and a phone call to a friend and now sitting at the camp site.
Better move my behind and get some dinner, till next blog, take care of yourself and loved ones and live life to the fullest. 



The Beaches and Rivers

I love the beach, I love a river, a lake, any kind of waterway, even a pond so the coast road from Qld to Victoria may be a very loooonnnngggg trip. Every turn off to another little beach side town beckons me to come and have a look.
After leaving home we stopped off at Coolangatta Beach, what an amazing beautiful piece of coast.




Byron Bay

We used to drive past this place a long time ago when the highway went right through it, now it is well and truly bypassed but this didn't stop the place from buzzing with tourists and locals. It was still school holidays and there were many children out enjoying the beautiful sunny day as well as the local surfers.
We had a lovely few hours there swimming and people watching. A very pleasant, relaxing day.
We wanted to see the  light house so headed up the steep windy road to be met with a sign stating that as it was part of the National Parks it would be $7 for the vehicle. Well the driver refused to pay that and after a 5 point turn around we headed down the road and found a park. I now know why the sign says no caravans. Would be impossible to turn one around. After a steep walk we made it to the top and had a good look around . This is the most Easterly point of mainland Australia so I'm glad we made the effort. Beautiful views north, south and east. The old caretakers cottage was beautifully maintained. A wonderful place to live.
I know that we have to preserve the parks but really , a charge to go up and park at the top!! Well the walk was great exercise.

 this blog is being silly so I'll publish it and move on to another.
All in all its a beautiful coast to follow.




Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Big Trip
Started  finally........
Friday and delivering my gorgeous JM home to her Mums after a wonderful week with me, a beautiful Thai dinner and sleep stop at Maryborough.
After a return trip to gather forgotten articles, his and mine, we headed south to the Sunshine Coast, calling in to Gympie to drop off some special birthday pressies to some very special people.
Another wonderful meal and 2 bags of goodies to keep us nourished!!! well to satisfy our sweet tooth addiction, and off the next sunny morning to Brisbane.
By now I really have forgotten how to cook and stopping off to visit the Cuz and her wonderful family and a BBQ dinner, I don't want to ever cook again. Well all things must come to an end but after a loooong day travelling ( 100km's at least) stopped off at Ormeau and stayed the night at the Wrights, so with coffee, catch ups and lots of laughs, it was too late to cook ( it was, really )
we decided that pizza was in order. Very nice too.
Well its been days since we left home and we are still in Qld, only about 4 hours from home,
Going past Coomera we call in to see my Aunty Betty in the homestead retirement home. It's a wonderful surprise for her and at 86 she is quite frail but sharp as a tac and wanted to hear all our news and where we were headed. She is a very special part of my life and all my memories from childhood to now have her in them. After promising to send her post cards we head up the mountains to Tambourine where we were hit with an awful storm. We take shelter in a gravel pit and sleep the storm away. Waking up to a beautiful blue sky we head down to the Gold Coast again and a few photo stops later we have called it a day and resting in an off road rest stop.

The view from Tambourine Mountains looking west

Oh and look what he has on,,,,a few minor repairs were needed

The gorgeous Coolangatta Beach

Tomorrow we think we may head to the beach , something we both love and never had time to do till now.
Oh and a foot note
I found the perfect washing machine for the motorhome / caravan industry, I can arrange for one if anyone needs it (him) Lotta love a man who will wash the clothes.